• By Terrence Wilson, J.D. • Knowledge is Power • January 20, 2022 •

Analysis of New Bills

Over the last two years, we have seen an increase in censorship legislation across the nation. Georgia is not an exception. These bills target historically marginalized groups, students of color and LGBTQ+ students, by removing literature and curricula that reflect and affirm their lived experiences.

Currently, there are five bills filed with the Georgia State Legislature that seek to censor classrooms and limit the educational freedom all children are entitled to. Four of those bills specifically apply to classroom materials: HB88, HB1084, SB375, and SB377. See our comparative analysis of these bills and their implications for our students.

Georgia Coalition Against Classroom Censorship Statement

Georgia’s students deserve the right to a diverse education that not only equips them for an increasingly diverse world but also uplifts and affirms the lived experiences of those students who have been historically marginalized. The Georgia legislature will hear bills that would violate that right by censoring educators and classrooms across the state from discussing the realities of systemic racism and oppression in the United States. IDRA joined several organizations across Georgia to issue a statement in opposition to these policies. Join us in defending students’ rights.

Members of the Georgia Coalition Against Classroom Censorship include:

    • American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia
    • Deep Center
    • Georgia Youth Justice Coalition
    • Intercultural Development Research Association
    • Public Education Matters Georgia
    • Southern Education Foundation
    • SPLC Action Fund

See coalition statement 

[©2022, IDRA. This article originally appeared in the February 3, 2022, edition of Knowledge is Power by the Intercultural Development Research Association. Permission to reproduce this article is granted provided the article is reprinted in its entirety and proper credit is given to IDRA and the author.]
