School Holding Power
Ideas for Strategy and Action
Communities and their neighborhood public schools can turn the tide. Together we can and must guarantee that every child graduates from high school ready for college and the world of work. Strategic action to address school holding power is two pronged:
Community-based action – that reclaims neighborhood public schools, strengthens schools through school-community partnerships and holds schools and stakeholders accountable for student success.
Statewide systems change – to strengthen school holding power so all schools ensure that all children succeed and graduate. Each strategy must be informed by quality data about student outcomes and the factors that make up effective schools.
Get Ideas and Strategies for School Action
Get Ideas and Strategies for Collective Action
Get Ideas and Strategies for Individual Action
Get Ideas and Strategies for Parent Action
Obtener ideas y estrategias para la acción del padre
Tools for Staying Informed
Get the attrition rate for your county over the last 10 years at:
Receive IDRA’s Graduation for All free bilingual (Spanish/English) monthly e-letter to get up-to-date information to make a difference in your school and community. Sign up online at:
Tools for Community-School Level Action
IDRA has developed the OurSchool portal that places accurate, high quality information in the hands of people at the leading edge of systems change. Through the portal, educators and community members can find out how well their high school campus is preparing and graduating students, what factors may be weakening school holding power, and what they can do to address them.
Organized around IDRA’s Quality Schools Action Framework, the portal provides actionable knowledge on:
- Student Engagement
- Parent and Community Engagement
- Teaching Quality
- Curriculum Quality and Access
- Governance Efficacy
- Funding Equity