Equity Assistance Center

Equity Guide

How the Common Core Must Ensure Equity by Fully Preparing Every Student for Postsecondary Success
The national network of equity assistance centers is urging educators and other stakeholders to examine how implementation of the Common Core impacts all diverse leaners. Of particular concern are those students who traditionally have been underserved by our education systems and underrepresented in positive outcomes, including students of color, ELL students, students with disabilities, and economically disadvantaged students. This brief outlines recommendations to help educators meet the Six Goals of Educational Equity to ensure that every student is equally well served by the Common Core.

Infographic: Six Generations of Civil Rights and Educational Equity
Since 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education Supreme Court ruling, great strides have been made in schools. But the fact remains that equity in schools has still not been reached. But for students – who by virtue of their race, ethnic background, sex or national origin are deprived of their civil rights and an equal opportunity to a quality education – equity is a promise they are depending on for their future. Ever since the landmark ruling, our nation has progressed through a series of phases – or generations – of civil rights in education…

Assuring Civil Rights Protection with State ESEA Flexibility Waivers
The discussion about the big initiatives the U.S. Department of Education and the administration have undertaken does not end with the Common Core State Standards (Scott, 2013). It must extend to the ESEA state flexibility waivers. Thirty-four states and the

District of Columbia
are approved for ESEA flexibility. Other states have applied and are awaiting review and approval. This article by Bradley Scott, Ph.D., lays out some of the civil rights concerns that may arise around the plans for flexibility that have been submitted and approved by the U.S. Department of Education.

Immigrant Students’ Rights to Attend Public Schools
Many educators are not aware that the education of undocumented students is guaranteed by the Plyler vs. Doe decision or that certain procedures must be followed when registering immigrant children in school. The U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Education recently reminded schools that activities that deny or discourage students to attend school are unlawful. See IDRA’s School Opening Alert for details. Available in pdf in English and Spanish.

IDRA’s book, Courage to Connect: A Quality Schools Action Framework™. See how communities and schools can work together to strengthen their capacity to be successful with all of their students. Visit the book’s web page to get a table of contents, excerpt, related podcasts and other resources related to this book. Order your copy today!

Video Introduction to the IDRA OurSchool Portal
The IDRA OurSchool portal is designed to help you – educators and community members – find out how well your high school campus is preparing and graduating students, what factors may be weakening school holding power, and what you can do together to address them. [02:16 min]

White Paper: The Cost of Inequity in Education
This literature review looks at the policy-related research regarding education and the cost of inequity. Research has established that the benefits of providing additional schooling for a greater percentage of students far outweigh the additional expenses that are associated with keeping more students enrolled all the way to graduation from high school and college. This white paper provides a brief background and then looks at the following topics: non-separate, but still unequal; expanding expectations for all schools and all students; access to higher education; economic payoff of high school and college diplomas; the additional costs associated with graduating more students from high school and college; recognition of the non-education based cost of education inequity; and other cost savings correlated with increased levels of educational attainment. It closes with a summary, conclusions and related policy implications.

IDRA Director of Policy, Dr. Albert Cortez, Testifies in School Finance Case
Dr. Albert Cortez, IDRA director of policy, presented expert testimony this week based on IDRA’s analysis of school funding equity across the state. “We found that the

Texas system of school finance is still inequitable, inadequate, arbitrary and inefficient,” summarized Dr. Cortez. His testimony addressed funding disparities, related tax yield disparities, underfunding for English learners and low-income students, impact on high school attrition, and the effects of the recent special program cuts. “In

Texas, the quality of schooling still seems to be markedly affected by the neighborhood in which you happen to reside.”

Mendez and Brown ~ Youth Picture Pathways to Graduation
With the civil rights promises of Mendez vs. Westminster and Brown vs. Board of Education as a backdrop, IDRA and Critical Exposure worked with a group of Canton high school students as they took up 35 millimeter cameras to reflect on barriers and opportunities for building pathways to high school graduation and college in Canton, Mississippi, See their perspectives: Movie format or PowerPoint format.

Anti-Bullying Program Launched by Tulsa Public Schools
Tulsa Public Schools have launched a new online anti-bullying program that looks to encourage students, teachers and staff to report bullying. (Story by educationnews.org)

IDRA Classnotes Podcastconversational audio program with episodes on educational equity.


Fulfilling the Promise of Brown and Mendez – web site for communities working across sector and race to transform their neighborhood schools.

Graduation for All – monthly e-letter for people who are concerned about our nation’s dropout problem and are poised to take action to turn the tide.

IDRA eNews – occasional e-letter with updates, alerts, resources and education news you can use to help create schools that work for all children.

U.S. Department of Education’s Equity Assistance Centers web site











Educational Equity and Race

The IDRA EAC-South helps schools become more racially equitable, ensure equal opportunity for academic achievement, provide fair discipline, decrease conflict, and...

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Educational Equity and National Origin

The IDRA EAC-South helps school districts design and implement programs for students of diverse national origins and ensure that English language...

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Sexual Harassment Definition

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 state that: “No person shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded...

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Sexual Harassment Definition

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 state that: “No person shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded...

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Forms of Bias in Textbooks and Instructional Materials

Invisibility – Certain groups are underrepresented in curricular materials. The significant omission of women and minority groups has become so...

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Forms of Bias in Textbooks and Instructional Materials

Invisibility – Certain groups are underrepresented in curricular materials. The significant omission of women and minority groups has become so...

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Response to Intervention

The Response to Intervention (RTI) frame is intended to provide early assistance to children who are having difficulty learning. The...

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Overrepresentation of ELLs in Special Education

The South Central Collaborative for Equity helps school districts examine their policies and procedures to ensure equitable placement of students...

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Dropout Prevention and Recovery

The IDRA EAC-South helps school districts ensure the elements necessary for equitable and excellent education is provided to all students regardless...

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Quality Teaching for Diverse Populations

The IDRA EAC-South helps school districts ensure the elements necessary for equitable and excellent education is provided to all students regardless...

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Race Equity and Desegregation Terminology

Assimilation – a process in which persons of diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds come to interact, free of constraints, in...

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