Title IV of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color and national origin in programs receiving federal financial assistance.
The IDRA South Central Collaborative for Equity helps schools become more racially equitable, ensure equal opportunity for academic achievement, provide fair discipline, decrease conflict, and involve parents and community members. Specifically, we can help your local education agency to do the following:
- Identify needs.
- Address current civil rights compliance issues.
- Implement school desegregation plans.
- Address problems arising from the implementation of those plans.
For example: After being found in violation of the law related to racial harassment, one district faced having $250,000 in federal funds withheld from it. The SCCE provided technical assistance to the district in board policy development and training in prejudice reduction for the board, staff, students and parents. A model is being developed and refined for use with other districts experiencing similar problems.
For example: In a major urban school district in southeast Texas plagued by racial tension, hostility and violence, the SCCE quickly assessed the situation and context; interviewed and surveyed key forces in the district including administrators, teachers, parents and students; and articulated a clear and appropriate response to the problem. Part of that response included bringing together the different key stakeholders and helping them to realize the effects that their tension, hostility and violence were having on children. Through our collective work in dialogs, effective decision making and problem solving, they transformed the school environment.
For more information on the South Central Collaborative for Equity contact Bradley Scott, Ph.D., at bradley.scott@idra.org or 210-444-1710.