Families & Communities

How the School Should Treat You

As a parent, you have a powerful role to play in your child’s education. You are the expert on your child. And as your child’s first teacher, teachers and others at the school need to recognize how important you are to making the school better for your child and for all students there.

Annual IDRA La Semana del Niño Parent Institute
This bilingual conference offers families, school district personnel and community groups an opportunity to get current information and materials on IDRA’s nationally-recognized, research-based model of parent leadership in education and to learn strategies for effective family engagement. Many sessions are presented by parents who have participated in IDRA’s leadership in education series. The next institute will be in 2014.

Parent’s rights handbook (pdf)

A Parent’s Guide to NCLB (pdf)

Parent’s Tips and Resources (web)


Resources for Parents

Family and Community Engagement Survey – This survey can be used by teachers, administrators and parents to assess a school’s effectiveness in partnering with families and communities. (pdf)

Pláticas en Acción (English) – Fact sheets about key education issues, including: fair funding; quality teaching; bilingual education; student testing; school holding power; effective math and science instruction; safe schools; access to higher education; and the use of public money for private school. (web)

 No Child Left Behind: What’s in It for Parents (pdf)

Overview of No Child Left Behind, by Kansas Parent Information Resource Center (ppt)

Parent Involvement Newsletter (pdf), sample by Region 16 Texas Education Service Center

Parent Involvement in Every School “P-I-E-S” Manual (pdf)

Family-School Compact/Acuerdo Familia-Escuela (doc)

Acuerdos Escuela-Familia (ppt)

IDRA Classnotes Podcast – conversational audio program with episodes on parent engagement

Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment: What Parents and Students Should Know (pdf)

Adolescence: The Last Step Before Becoming An Adult (pdf)
Adolescent Mental Health (pdf)
Helping Your Children Though Their Adolescent Years (pdf)
Truancy – A Family Guide to Understanding and Seeking Help for Truancy (pdf) 

Bilingual Education
Your Child – Learning English (pdf)

Choice and Supplemental Educational Services
Choice and Supplemental Services Frequently Asked Questions (web)

Communicating between Home and School
Getting the Most Out Of Your Parent/Teacher Conference (pdf)
Let’s Have a Conference: You and Your Child’s Teacher (pdf)
Parents and Schools: Getting Involved, Knowing Our Rights, Assuming Responsibilities (pdf)
Parents and Schools: Working Together (pdf)
Parent-Teacher Conferences: Suggestions for Parents (pdf)
The 10 Student Rights of the Mobilization for Equity (pdf)

Early Childhood

Early Literacy Web Sites
Early Childhood Parent Resources, publication with brochures and resources for parents (bilingual, English/Spanish) (web)
How Can I Encourage My Young Child To Read? (pdf)
How Can Parents Identify a High Quality Preschool Program? (pdf)

Father Involvement in Schools (pdf)

College and Higher Education

Achieve College ~ ¡Hacia Adelante! ~ A Guide for College Access

In Our Voices (video)


College Access Web Sites
Student Aid on the Web, U.S. Department of Education
Planning for the Future: Helping Your Children Make Career Choices (pdf)

When Your Infant of Toddler is Sad (pdf)

Hispanic Parents Support Their Daughters’ Success (pdf)

Early Literacy Web Sites
A Guide for Reading (pdf)
Helping Our Children: Reading and Writing at Home (pdf)
How Parents Can Help Their Children Be Good Readers (pdf)
Reading Begins with Families (pdf)
Reading Children’s Books: There’s More to it Than Meets the Eye (pdf)

Mental Health
101 Ways to Praise a Child (pdf)
Adolescent Mental Health (pdf)

Middle School
Motivation and Middle School Students (pdf)
Preparing Middle School Students for a Career (pdf)

Early Childhood Parent Resources, publication with brochures and resources for parents (bilingual, English/Spanish) (web)
150 Ways to Show Kids You Care (pdf)
Helping Your Children Put Divorce Behind Them (pdf)
Moral Development in Children (pdf)

Parents as Decision Makers
A Wise Investment: Becoming a Member of a Site-Based Council (pdf)

Are the Children Home Alone? (Don’t Worry, Be Savvy!) (pdf)

Parents as Leaders

Achieve College ~ ¡Hacia Adelante! ~ A Guide for College Access

WOW! Workshop on Workshops, Learn the art of planning and conducting workshops (bilingual, English/Spanish) – see materials, get info about training
100 Ways for Parents to Be Involved in Their Child’s Education (pdf)
Helping Our Children Learn at Home, in School, And in the Community (pdf)
Learning to Read Well: Some Simple Facts (pdf)
Some Things to Do (pdf)
Talking with Our Children (pdf)
Ten ways to participate in your children’s education (pdf)

Parents as Teachers
Building Positive Relationships with our Children: Communication and Discipline (pdf)
Guide for Parents
Homework: How Parents Can Help (pdf)
Motivation for Learning: Parents Can Help (pdf)
Parents are First Teachers (pdf)
Respect, Responsibility and Resourcefulness: Three Rs for Success (pdf)
Middle Way: Parenting with Balance (pdf)
The World According to Science: Think About It (pdf)
My Child’s Academic Success – Help My Child with Academics (web)

Special Education/ Disabilities
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) (pdf)
Autism/PDD (pdf)
Basics for Parents: Your Child’s Evaluation (pdf)
Down Syndrome (pdf)
Emotional Disturbance (pdf)
Making a Difference: A Family’s Guide to Rights (pdf)
Mental Retardation (pdf)
Understanding the Special Education Process: An Overview for Parents (pdf)

Computers and Young Children (pdf)
