Families & Communities

Webinars about Comunitario PTA

Webinars about Comunitario PTA

Building Powerful Family Leadership for Educational Success: PTA Comunitario in the Rio Grande Valley 

For the first time, the NCPIE/NAFSCE Network meeting was held both in person and via webinar (January 28, 2015). Four programs funded by the highly competitive federal Investing in Innovation (i3) grants shared strategies and experiences from creating meaningful family, school, and community partnerships. Aurelio Montemayor, M.Ed., presented on IDRA’s PTA Comunitario work in the Texas Valley. His presentation runs from the 27:35 minute mark to 36:40 [min].

The other presentations were: (1) Building Families’ Social Capital: We Are A Village, with presenter Joanna Geller, Annenberg Institute for School Reform, Providence, Rhode Island; (3) Expansion of the Child-Parent Center Education Program, Preschool to Third Grade, in Illinois and Minnesota, with presenter Momoko Hayakawa, University of Minnesota; and (4) An Innovative, Targeted Strategy for Removing Barriers to School Turnaround: Families and Schools Together, with presenter Lynn McDonald, Professor of Social Work, Middlesex University, London, England and University of Wisconsin. NCPIE is the National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education. And NAFSCE is the National Association for Family, School and Community Engagement. [The complete program is 01:42:41 min] 
