
Related Statistics and Studies

Available online from the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition and Language Instruction Educational Programs (NCELA)
(formerly the National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education, NCBE)

Latest state data on the growth of the LEP student enrollment in the United States and the most-frequently spoken languages in each state: Survey of the States’ Limited English Proficient Students and Available Educational Programs and Services: 2000-2001 Summary Report.

Number of school-aged limited English proficient students in the United States

Available online from the Northeast and Islands Regional Educational Laboratory at Brown University Portraits of Success

“Successful Bilingual Education Programs: Development and the Dissemination of Criteria to Identify Promising and Exemplary Practices in Bilingual Education at the National Level” by María “Cuca” Robledo Montecel, Ph.D., and Josie Danini Cortez, M.A., Bilingual Research Journal, 26: 1 Spring 2002
