
Enrollment Data 01 02

1998-99 and 2001-02 Enrollment Data and 2001-02 Attrition in Texas
Race-Ethnicity and Gender
9th Grade Enrollment
12th Grade Enrollment
9-12th Grade Enrollment
9-12th Grade Enrollment
Expected 12th Grade Enrollment
Students Lost to Attrition
Attrition Rate
Native American 926 567 3,499 3,037 804 237 29
Male 500 299 1,770 1,552 438 139 32


426 268 1,729 1,485 366 98


Asian/Pacific Islander 8,295 7,833 30,952 33,863 9,077 1,244 14
Male 4,370 3,931 15,904 17,471 4,801 870 18
Female 3,925 3,902 15,048 16,392 4,276 374 9
Black 51,393 28,879 148,019 155,232 53,896 25,017 46
Male 27,187 13,667 74,565 78,161 28,498 14,831 52
Female 24,206 15,212 73,454 77,071 25,398 10,186 40
White 151,856 112,229 515,464 516,595 152,182 39,953 26
Male 79,304 56,577 264,900 264,775 79,266 22,689 29
Female 72,552 55,652 250,564 251,820 72,916 17,264 24
Hispanic 135,682 73,760 373,757 414,535 150,484 76,724 51
Male 72,313 35,955 191,933 212,835 80,188 44,233 55
Female 63,369 37,805 181,824 201,700 70,296 32,491 46
All Groups 348,152 223,268 1,071,691 1,123,262 366,443 143,175 39
Male 183,674 110,429 549,072 574,794 193,191 82,762 43
Female 164,478 112,839 522,619 548,468 173,252 60,413 35

Figures calculated by IDRA from the Texas Education Agency Fall Membership Survey data. IDRA’s 2001-02 attrition study involved the analysis of enrollment figures for public high school students in the ninth grade during 1998-99 school year and enrollment figures for 12th grade students in 2001-02. This period represents the time span when ninth grade students would be enrolled in school prior to graduation. The enrollment data for special school districts (military schools, state schools, and charter schools) were excluded from the analyses since they are likely to have unstable enrollments and/or lack a tax base to support school programs.

Source: Intercultural Development Research Association, 2002.

Calculation: Attrition is calculated by (1) dividing the high school enrollment in the end year by the high school enrollment in the base year; (2) multiplying the results from Calculation 1 by the ninth grade enrollment in the base year; (3) subtracting the results from Calculation 2 from the 12th grade enrollment in the year; and (4) dividing the results of Calculation 3 by the result of Calculation 2. The attrition rate results (percentages) were rounded to the nearest whole number.

See also the IDRA’s Attrition Model for a discussion of the theoretical basis for this calculation. See also the Longitudinal Attrition Rates in Texas for a historic view of the dropout rates and comparison between the IDRA Attrition rates and TEA Dropout rates over time.
