Dr. María “Cuca” Robledo Montecel, Ph.D.

Fundamentals for School Change – Podcast Episode 52 | Classnotes Podcast 52

Classnotes Podcast (April 7, 2009) Research tells us that certain things must be in place for schools to be successful. These elements are parent and community engagement, engagement of students, quality teaching, and curriculum quality. IDRA’s Quality School Action Framework shows how communities and schools can work together to identify where these elements are weak and strengthen their schools’ capacities to improve their holding power. In order for these two elements to be strong, it is essential that the foundations be in place as well: governance efficacy and funding equity.

In the second of a set of podcast episodes on this topic, IDRA president and CEO, María “Cuca” Robledo Montecel, Ph.D., describes the two school change fundamentals of governance efficacy and funding equity in the Quality School Action Framework that are required for school success. Dr. Montecel is interviewed by Aurelio Montemayor , M.Ed., director of the IDRA Texas Parent Information and Resource Center.

Show length: 16:08.

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Quality Schools Action Framework 
Developed by the Intercultural Development Research Association

School Board Accountability for School Reform that Supports Educational Equity 
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Fair Funding for the Common Good
IDRA web site

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IDRA SchoolHolding Power
Web Site

IDRA School Holding Power portal
(Texas high school level information) – Designed for educators and community members to find out how well their high school campus is preparing and graduating students, what factors may be weakening school holding power, and what they can do together to address them.

Framing Systems Change for Student Success 
By María “Cuca” Robledo Montecel, Ph.D.

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Show Notes

  • Dr. Montecel explains the concept of fair funding and responds to the argument that "you can't throw money at the problem."

  • Dr. Montecel explains the concept of fair funding and responds to the argument that "you can't throw money at the problem."

  • Dr. Montecel talks about the tangible results that schools are seeking through fair funding.

  • Dr. Montecel explains the key challenges in improving government efficacy.

  • r. Montecel and Mr. Montemayor discuss the importance of community engagement in electing and training school-board members.