Paige Duggins Clay

The Law in Education – Brown v Board of Ed – Podcast Episode 223 | Classnotes Podcast 223

Morgan Craven photoPaige Duggins ClayClassnotes Podcast (May 16, 2022). The role of public education in the United States evolved since the founding mothers and fathers arranged for their own children’s learning. The progression and regression often is fueled by federal and state laws as well as major court cases. In this episode, Paige Duggins-Clay, J.D., and Morgan Craven, J.D., take a look at the Brown vs. Board of Education U.S. Supreme Court ruling on May 17, 1954, that is perhaps the most influential case the course of public education in this country. They give a picture of the landscape before the ruling, describe the plaintiffs and attorneys, and discuss the ruling’s impact. Paige is IDRA’s chief legal analyst, and Morgan is IDRA’s national director of policy, advocacy and community engagement.

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Show length: 23:44 min.


IDRA EAC-South, equity assistance center serving schools in the U.S. South

A Promise to Fulfill the Legacy of Mendez & Brown, IDRA website

Six Generations of Civil Rights and Educational Equity, IDRA Infographic

Six Goals of Educational Equity, IDRA Infographic

Equal Access to a Quality Education – The Civil Rights Issue of Our Generation, Dr. María “Cuca” Robledo Montecel keynote, March 29, 2011

National Coalition on School Diversity

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Show Notes

  • Paige provides a history of the Brown case, including the plaintiffs and their lead attorney, Thurgood Marshall.

  • Paige shares how Brown fit into a long legal desegregation strategy.

  • Paige discusses the Brown ruling and the requirements for states and schools.

  • Paige talks about the less well-known Brown vs. Board II case, why it was necessary, and the ruling to desegregate schools “with all deliberate speed.”

  • Paige considers the unforeseen circumstances of Brown and what more must be done to realize its purpose.