When schools re-opened in the fall of 2021, students and educators will carry with them the trauma of the pandemic experience. Faced with students’ increased mobility, family economic hardship, lost relationships with teachers, and lack of academic success, schools lost touch with many students. IDRA outlined key factors that keep students coming back and how you can help them feel a sense of success day after day.
The IDRA Valued Youth Partnership is a research-based, internationally-recognized dropout prevention program that has kept 98% of its tutors in school. Created by IDRA, it is an internationally-recognized, cross-age tutoring program with an unusual twist. This dropout prevention program works by identifying junior high and high school students in at-risk situations and enlisting them as tutors for elementary school youngsters who are also struggling in school. Given this role of personal and academic responsibility, the Valued Youth tutors learn self-discipline and develop self-esteem. Schools shift to the philosophy and practices of valuing students considered at-risk. Results show that tutors stay in school, have increased academic performance, improved school attendance and advanced to higher education. VYP also transforms student socio-emotional learning and relationships with school.
The Chief Science Officer program empowers middle and high school students to enrich school STEM culture and career awareness by bringing STEM/STEAM-related opportunities to their schools and local communities.
IDRA provides on-site and virtual training and technical assistance to thousands of teachers and students across the country and to schools, school districts and other groups. Sample service package include: