Paula Johnson

STEAM Education for Every Child Part 2 – Podcast Episode 153 | Classnotes Podcast 153

Classnotes Podcast (July 16, 2015) Bringing more females, minorities and low-income students into STEM fields requires building an environment of not just access, but inspiration. Students need to feel free to ask questions and test their creativity. Math educator, Paula Martin Johnson, M.A., an IDRA education associate, continues our discussion of how schools can use art within STEM strategies (“STEAM”) to give students an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and learning. She gives several examples of STEAM activities that incorporate on an equal level the content and creative.

Paula is interviewed by Aurelio M. Montemayor, M.Ed., IDRA senior education associate.

Show length: 14:37

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Education Closet Lessons
EdCloset serves classroom teachers, arts educators and leaders by providing a space to work together and learn about Arts Integration and STEAM.

Rhode Island School of Design
STEM to STEAM is a RISD-led initiative to add Art and Design to the national agenda of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education and research in America. STEM + Art = STEAM. The goal is to foster the true innovation that comes with combining the mind of a scientist or technologist with that of an artist or designer.

Coca-Cola Sounds of Ahh videos:
Always a good time
Choosing sound effects:
“Little Talks” – Kurt Hugo Schneider & Kevin Olusola:

Edutopia: STEM, Meet Creativity

STEM Data from the Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA)

Signs that fewer black students are taking calculus in high school

STEM to STEAM: Resource Roundup by Edutopia

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Show Notes

  • Paula discusses how educators can help bring more females, minorities, and low-income students into the STEM fields, both by providing better access to the those subjects in the classroom and through activities that inspire the students.

  • Paula stresses the importance of creating a classroom environment that encourages creative thinking and doesn’t force students into a rigid approach for tasks and problem solving.

  • Paula talks about the evolution from STEM to STEAM, and about giving content and creative equal value.

  • Paula shares an example of integrating art into a math lesson, helping to make an abstract concept more tangible for students.

  • Aurelio and Paula discuss the need for more teacher training and mentorship around incorporating art into STEM lessons.

  • Paula points to as a good resource for lesson plans that integrate visual literacy into all content areas and give students an opportunity to build on their existing knowledge.