Education Policy

Preparing All Students to Succeed in College

Access to higher education expands life opportunities. Schools have a responsibility to prepare all students to succeed in college.

Policies and practices that track students away from college or limit access to advanced courses take the power away from young people and families to choose their own paths. 

A college education expands learningcareer and life opportunitiesDespite these clear benefits, many schools are not preparing all students to graduate and access and succeed in college. Too often, students are pushed into courses and programs that do not prepare them or even prevent them from meeting college admission and financial aid requirements. Students of color, students from families with limited incomes, students from rural communities, immigrant students and others who have been disproportionately unsupported by their schools and excluded from college opportunities for generations deserve equitable educational opportunities to prepare for and succeed in college. 

IDRA supports policies that expand college access and affordability for all students. We research the impacts of changes to coursework and graduation requirements and support families and coalition partners to block efforts to take away important protections for college students. 

For historical resources sampled from IDRA’s over five decades of work for college access, visit our College Access for Success webpage.
