Success in school means having quality teachers, i.e., teachers who know their subject, who know effective instructional practices and who value their students. Unfortunately, many students – particularly those who are in poor schools or high-minority schools – do not have access to enough of these teachers.
Some schools do not provide quality teaching to all students because of unfair distribution both within and across school districts, inadequate and inequitable funding, or shortages of some teachers in some content areas.
IDRA Stands
- Texas must ensure that all students have access to teaching quality that is equitable within and across school districts.
- Teacher preparation programs should be updated to prepare educators to serve an increasingly diverse student population.
- Teachers should have the appropriate preparation, training and support to manage classrooms such that students are not unnecessarily or disproportionately separated from learning on their campus by suspensions, expulsions and removals to disciplinary alternative education programs.
Learn more
IDRA’s book, Courage to Connect: A Quality Schools Action Framework™
Defining Teaching Quality Beyond the Certificate
Teaching Must be Culturally Relevant to be Quality
Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs in Texas – A 2009 Update
Ethnic Studies Courses
Testimony: African American Studies Course Will Have a Significant and Positive Impact on Students Across Texas, November 13, 2019
News Release: IDRA EAC-South Assists Virginia Commission on African American History Education in the Commonwealth, October 28, 2019