The homework gap is not a new problem. But with the move to system-wide distance learning, it’s not just a homework gap any longer. This webinar presents ways to support students who do not have internet access or computer.
Slide deck – Strategies for Offline Learning during COVID-19 Crisis
Charter Communications offers free internet for new households with college or K-12 students. To enroll call 1-844-488-8395. Installation fees will be waived for new student households.
Texas Educational Agency shares guidance to school districts on providing free internet for students.
How can we work for equity & access in challenging times? Webinar by STEM Learning Ecosystem
This webinar is part of IDRA’s free webinar series on Equitable Practices for Online Learning to support educators as you continue student learning during this unprecedented coronavirus (COVID-19) event. Get details and see past webinars:
This series is provided through the IDRA EAC-South.