Families & Communities

Topics and Categories

Texas IDRA PIRC Topics and Categories

IDRA has a wealth of information on any of the following topics:

  1. Overview/Parental and Community Involvement (for educators, administrators, researchers)
  2. Parents as Teachers
  3. Infants
  4. Early Childhood
  5. Elementary
  6. Middle School
  7. High School
  8. Higher Education
  9. Communicating between Home and School
  10. Parents as Resources
  11. Parents as Decision-Makers
  12. Parents as Leaders
  13. Behavior
  14. Gifted and Talented
  15. Special Education/Disabilities
  16. Home Schooling
  17. Technology
  18. Gender
  19. School Safety
  20. Fathers
  21. English as a Second Language
  22. Bilingual Education
  23. Drug Prevention
  24. Health
  25. Pan Asian
  26. Native American
  27. Immigrant
  28. Latino
  29. African American
  30. Migrant
  31. HIPPY
  32. PAT
  33. Title I/ESEA
  34. Afterschool Programs
  35. Tolerance, Peace and Diversity
  36. Standards
  37. High-Stakes Testing
  38. Mental Health
  39. Adolescence
  40. Parenting
  41. At-Risk
  42. Abuse and Recovery

If you would like to receive more information on any of these topics, IDRA would be happy to send you information from our PIRC library.
