Student Reflections on Schooling During COVID-19 – Student-Led Research Project Explores Effects of the Pandemic on Students and Schooling

Jacqueline Campos, Monica Cruz, Alejo Peña Soto, Fatimah Rasul, Ana Ramón

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During the summer and fall of 2020, four high school and college students led a participatory action research project to collect insights from our peers about the impact of COVID-19 on students and how the pandemic has worsened or changed the challenges young people face in their schools. The project stemmed from IDRA’s partnership with Seek Common Ground, which launched its COVID-19 Recovery Action Accelerator to support state and community-based organizations pursuing equitable and sustainable education policies and experiences. IDRA trained and supported us as we created, distributed and analyzed surveys about the needs of families and students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The key findings of the research and excerpts from student survey respondents are in this report.
