• IDRA Newsletter • June-July 2016
Aurelio M. Montemayor, M.Ed., IDRA senior education associate and lead trainer, was honored to present the commencement address for the PSJA College, Career and Technology Academy for the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD in the Rio Grande Valley. In congratulating the graduates – in English and Spanish – he peered into their future saying:
“In spite of all the challenges, you will get the education you need. You will do it. You will survive and succeed. Why? Because you come from families that have worked hard for many years… tough labor, poorly paid, but they haven’t given up on you. In your own home, someone has done the cooking, the cleaning and even the nursing. How well has that been paid and yet how important is it to all of us? None of us should forget that blessed sweat and toil of our families. So go for it. It will pay off in many ways.”
[“Aunque habrán muchos retos como quiera vas a conseguir la educación que tú necesitas. Lo vas a hacer. Vas a sobrevivir y tener éxito. ¿Por qué? Porque procedes de familias que han trabajado duro durante muchos años … trabajo duro y mal pagado pero nunca se han dado por vencidos en apoyarte. En tu propia casa, alguien ha cocinado, hecho la limpieza e incluso cuidar enfermos. ¿Qué tan bien se ha pagado y sin embargo que tan importante a sido para todos nosotros? Ninguno de nosotros debe olvidar ese bendito sudor y trabajo de nuestras familias. Así que dale con ganas. Te dará sus frutos en muchos maneras.”]
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[©2016, IDRA. This article originally appeared in the June-July 2016 IDRA Newsletter by the Intercultural Development Research Association. Permission to reproduce this article is granted provided the article is reprinted in its entirety and proper credit is given to IDRA and the author.]