Families and Teachers Communicating – Podcast Episode 43 | Podcast Episode 43

Classnotes Podcast (November 7, 2008) Engaging families typically is a difficult task for high schools. But it can be done. The school principal is in a crucial role to lead staff to embrace the foundational beliefs that all children can learn and that every student is valuable and to make these cornerstones in the instructional philosophy. After recently serving as a high school principal for five years, Dr. Rogelio López del Bosque shares how he created a culture of engagement among teachers and parents that welcomed and even expected dialog for student success. Dr. López, now an IDRA senior education associate, is interviewed by Aurelio Montemayor, M.Ed., director of the IDRA Texas Parent Information and Resource Center.

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Principal Shares Successes in Parent Involvement
By Rogelio López del Bosque, Ed.D. , IDRA Newsletter

Quality Schools Action Framework
Developed by the Intercultural Development Research Association

IDRA Parent Leadership Model

Valuing Assumptions (by IDRA)

Texas IDRA Parent Information and Resource Center
A comprehensive, multicultural and multilingual parent leadership support program for strengthening partnerships between parents and schools for student success, funded by the U.S. Department of Education.

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Show Notes

  • Host Aurelio Montemayor, M.Ed., director of the IDRA Texas Parent Information and Resource Center, welcomes Dr. Rogelio López del Bosque, IDRA senior education associate, for a discussion on creating a culture of engagement between teachers and parents. Rogelio recently spent five years as a high school principal and draws on his experiences during that time.

  • Rogelio explains why communication between teachers and parents is so important.

  • Rogelio talks about the "open-door policy" he maintained with parents.

  • Rogelio describes the intervention process his former school used when working with students who were having academic or behavioral problems.

  • Rogelio addresses the challenges of involving high school parents in the educational process and in meaningful dialogue with teachers, including the language barrier.

  • Rogelio talks about bringing parents together around common goals.