November – December 1994 IDRA Newsletter


“Making a Difference Through Effective Professional Development,” L. C. Green and R. López del Bosque

“I Came, I Taught, I Made a Difference: Teacher Renewal in the Trenches,” A. M. Montemayor

“The Time is Ripe for Teacher Diversity in Texas,” F. Gonzales

“Research-Informed Teaching in Bilingual Education: Does it Happen? How Does it Help,” A. Solis

“I Got Renewed Energy,” TNT project teachers

October 1994 IDRA Newsletter


“Improving Student Performance: Study Identifies Better Approach,” M. Robledo Montecel, J. D. Supik, and J. A. Cárdenas

“Coca-Cola Valued Youth Program: An Idea That Works,” The,” J. D. Supik

“Hispanic Dropouts: Report by General Accounting Office Has Problems,” J. A. Cárdenas

“Attrition Rates Are Going Up: Texas Rates Higher Than National Average,” R. L. Johnson

“My Daughter is a Valued Youth,” M. A. Pérez”Invisible Girls: The Other Half of America’s Dropout Problem,” A. De Luna

“Innovative Technology Supports ‘Prevention and Recovery of Student Dropouts'” Collection, F. Montes

September 1998 IDRA Newsletter


“Community Involvement Needed to Achieve Universal Literacy,” F. Montes

“Literacy: A Decade of Commitment,” N. Adame-Reyna

“Literacy and the Magical Kingdom in the Sky,” J. García

“Recognizing and Eliminating Barriers for Minority Girls in Math and Science,” A. De Luna

Recipe for Success, M. G. Ramos

“Lloyd: Thanks for the Opportunity,” B. Prete and G. E. Strong, eds.

August 1998 IDRA Newsletter


“School Choice: Choices for Whom? Promises and Panaceas,” M. Robledo Montecel

“Ethnicity and School Performance in Bexar County,” M. Robledo Montecel and J. A. Cárdenas

“Rio Grande City: A Case Study in TAAS Performance,” M. Robledo Montecel, M. G. Ramos, and J. A. Cárdenas

“In Search of a Label: A Commentary on School Choice,” B. Scott

“School Choice: Limited Choices for Minority and the Poor,” R. L. Johnson

June – July 1998 IDRA Newsletter


“Parents Reclaiming Their Schools: New Initiative Brings Parents Together for Better Schools,” A.M. Montemayor

“Hispanic Parents and Successful Schooling: Dispelling Misconceptions in the Information Age,” M. Symonds

“Coca-Cola Valued Youth Program Update: Parents Become Agents for Change at the 1994 National Conference,” J. D. Supik

“Moving Beyond “de los dientes para afuera:” Parental Involvement Requires Sincere Outreach,” R. López del Bosque

“Playtime Is Science: Parents and Children Have Fun Building Science Skills,” B. Scott

“In the Service of All Students: Schools Must Recognize Change and Respond Appropriately,” F. Gonzales

“Parents, Schools and Responsibility,” S. O. Valdez

“Why a High School Education is Important to My Future,” R. Valdez

May 1998 IDRA Newsletter


“Equalizing School Facilities Funding in Texas,” A. Cortez

“Historical Perspectives on Texas School Finance,” J. A. Cárdenas

“Schools Must Change to Serve Hispanic Students,” T. Larraid and A. Kauffman

“Pockets of Excellence in a Sea of Diversity: The IDRA Magnet Schools Study,” B. Scott

“The Fifty Most Memorable Quotes in School Finance,” J. A. Cárdenas

“Fast Forward to Well-Funded Schools,” A. M. Montemayor

April 1998 IDRA Newsletter


“My Magnificent Twenty,” J. A. Cárdenas

“Examining the Three Rs: Readiness, Redshirting & Retention,” P. McCollum

“Ready to Teach? Revisiting the Nation’s “Ready to Learn” Goal,” A. Cortez

“Encouraging Emergent Literacy: A Guide for the Early Childhood Educator,” M. Penny-Velázquez

March 1998 IDRA Newsletter


“Recognizing Chicana Contributions: Cultural History & Gender Equity on the Line,” M. Symonds

“A Comprehensive Approach to Gender Equity,” J. A. Cárdenas

“Mixed Messages: Gender Equity and My Teenager,” S Carter

“Sexual Discrimination and Bias in Education: The Status of Women in the 1990’s,” L. Cantu

Combating Students’ Peer-to-Peer Sexual Harassment: Creating Gender Equity in Schools,” M. Penny-Velázquez

February 1998 IDRA Newsletter


“Language Use In Two-Way Bilingual Programs,” P. McCollum

“Healthy Nationalism or Xenophobia? The Challenge of the English Only Movement,” E. Auerbach

“Questions & Answers about Bilingual Education: IDRA Responds to Parent and Educator Concerns,” A. Salinas Sosa

“One Minute of Silence,” J. A. Cárdenas

“LEP?” “No, Bilingual!,” A. M. Montemayor

“New Measure Available from IDRA: The Educator’s Perspective Inventory (E.P.I.),” A. M. Montemayor and M. Symonds

January 1994 IDRA Newsletter


“Golden Lord with Us from the Main Forest: Some Thoughts on the Education of Recent Immigrants,” A. M. Montemayor

“A Blueprint for an Educational Response to the Needs of Immigrant Students,” A. Villarreal”Projected Impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement on Texas Public Schools, The,” A.Cortez

“IDRA’s NAFTA Impact Report: A Summary of Findings and Recommendations,” M. Robledo Montecel

“National Program In Immigrant Education Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation,” D. Christian

“The INS and Our Clean Sweep of the White House,” J. A. Cárdenas
