Three Strategies for Engaging Girls in Math – Podcast Episode 194 | Classnotes Podcast 194

Classnotes Podcast (August 6, 2019). Over the last two decades, we’ve seen great improvements in engaging girls in math. They are as likely as males to calculus AB, statistics and chemistry. But they are less likely to take higher-level math courses and in college are much less likely to enroll in STEM fields.

In this episode, Dr. Stephanie Garcia and Kasia Razynska share three strategies for increasing girls’ performance and persistence through K-12 math. Stephanie is an IDRA education associate and Kasia Razynska is associate director of evaluation and continuous improvement for the Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium.

Show length: 11:11 min


Five Best Practices that Add Women to the Equation – Preparing K-12 Girls for Mathematics, by Stephanie Garcia, Ph.D., & Kasia Razynska, IDRA Newsletter

Encouraging Girls in Math and Science: IES Practice Guide

Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering. National Science Foundation.

STEM Pathways for Girls of Color: A Review of the Literature, by Paula Johnson, Ph.D., IDRA Newsletter.

Guiding Students to a Healthy Math Identity, by Deborah Peart, Edutopia

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Show Notes

  • Kasia shares research on the stagnant rates of females and women of color entering math fields.

  • Stepahnie and Karisa discuss three of the five best practices from the IES Practice Guide that encourage girls to pursue advanced studies and careers in math:
    1. Teaching girls that they can expand and improve their math abilities.
    2. Creating a classroom environment that sparks girls’ initial interest, and then fosters a robust identity in math.
    3. Exposing girls to female role models who have succeeded professionally in math fields.

  • Stephanie talks about extending these best practices beyond the classroom.