IDRA is nationally-recognized as a reliable, efficient and cost-effective contractor in the field of evaluation and research. Through IDRA’s research-based evaluation work, educators and other program implementers can assess and document project outcomes using qualitative and quantitative methods and improve future activities by clarifying what works, for which students and under what conditions. IDRA’s evaluation adheres to Program Evaluation Standards set by the Joint Committee of Standards for Educational Evaluation. IDRA’s evaluation can help you by conducting a comprehensive needs assessment at the district or campus level, informing district plans, assisting in reporting of planned and monitored instructional programs, and informing federal programs, state program evaluations, local evaluations, needs assessments and accountability plans.
Using collaborative and innovative methods, we investigate important questions and provide insights into compelling educational issues. As a national resource, we set standards in the design, analysis, and synthesis of timely and useful research involving diverse populations. IDRA’s evaluation approaches employ mixed methods and include formative data (qualitative and quantitative) to provide information critical to conducting and improving an ongoing project, as well as summative data to determine the ultimate merit or significance of a program.
Key evaluation services include:
- Evaluation design and planning
- Instrument selection and development
- Data collection
- Document review
- Focus group interviews
- Surveys
- Data processing
- Data analysis
- Reporting results
- Annual performance report
- Biennial evaluation report
- End-of-project report
- Presentation of evaluation findings
- Recommendations for program improvement
IDRA clients have included: school districts, education service centers, campuses, college and university programs, state education agencies, and federal programs.
Research Services: Knowledge when you need it. Information that matters most.
IDRA has gathered and analyzed data that promote a broader understanding of educational and social policy issues among public and professional decision makers. Using collaborative and innovative methods, we investigate important questions and provide insight into compelling educational issues. As a national resource, IDRA sets standards in the design, analysis and synthesis of timely and useful research involving diverse populations.