Restorative practices are part of the Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and shift the paradigm of traditional behavior management by focusing on community building and development of strong and powerful relationships, rather than punishment alone. IDRA’s professional development and turnaround training explores the key goals of restorative practices that help clients to:
- Create caring climates to support healthy learning communities
- Encourage accountability and responsibility through personal reflection within a collaborative planning process
- Facilitate implementation on a campus
- Understand why traditional discipline systems contribute to the harm
- Understand how to change the current discipline system
What IDRA can do for you:
- Research-based professional development training
- Team training
- Coaching and mentoring
IDRA’s Restorative Justice Team
Our education associates have completed over 50 hours of professional development in both restorative practices coordinator and teacher training from UT-Austin’s Institute for Restorative Justice and Restorative Dialogue. The IDRA EAC-South partnered with the Florida and the Islands Comprehensive Center (FLICC) to deliver restorative practices turnaround training with seven school districts across Florida to implement restorative practices district-wide.