Equity Assistance Center

Receive Data and Information

The IDRA South Central Collaborative for Equity conducts information dissemination through conference presentations, small group meetings, its web site, e-mail, telephone, mail, fax, video conferencing, podcasts and the IDRA Newsletter.

The center’s web site is dedicated to disseminating desegregation support material, proven practices and on-line learning resources. From the site, users can link to other technical assistance centers and educational resources available via the Internet.

Through the center, IDRA has created publications that are distributed widely to individuals and agencies. The materials on the following pages are available through IDRA.

Information about emerging issues and concerns in race desegregation, national origin desegregation and gender equity is provided upon request. Staff members stay apprised of current research and practices in education, enabling the center to respond quickly to all inquiries.

The IDRA Newsletter is published 10 times a year with each issue focusing on a different education-related topic. The SCCE publishes at least one article in each issue of the newsletter related to some area of equity in each issue of the newsletter. See list of sample articles about SCCE.

The center has been able to maximize its resources, thus becoming more cost effective in its service delivery, by sponsoring annual coordination meetings where the state education agency and other service providers discuss the desegregation issues and needs of the region and plan to coordinate training and technical assistance activities.

For more information on the South Central Collaborative for Equity contact Bradley Scott, Ph.D., at bradley.scott@idra.org or 210-444-1710.
