
Listening Sessions – Experiences with Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs (DAEPs) in Texas

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IDRA and Texas Appleseed want to hear from students, parents, caregivers, teachers, school and district leaders, lawyers, and community advocates to learn about your experiences with disciplinary alternative education programs (DAEPs) in Texas.

What You Can Expect

We will use information from these listening sessions to inform a report on the history and current state of DAEPs in Texas. We can hold sessions individually or in groupsThese listening sessions will provide valuable personal insight that data alone cannot offer, enabling us to create a well-informed policy report that reflects the experiences of students and families. Your name, etc., will maintain anonymity in the final report.

Questions? Contact Us!

Paige Duggins-Clay, Chief Legal Analyst, IDRA:

Renuka Rege, Policy Advisor, Texas Appleseed: