November- December 1997 IDRA Newsletter


Alternative Education Programs: Resolution or Exclusion?, by Albert Cortez, Ph.D.

Essential Ingredients for Creating Safe, Orderly, Drug-Free Schools

Are We Creating Safe and Drug-Free Schools?, by Anita Revilla, MA, and Christie L. Goodman, APR

Look Who’s Listening: Communication Between Parents and Teenagers, by Aurelio M. Montemayor, M.Ed.

“I Am What I Am” – Resolving Conflict Peacefully, by Juanita García, MA

Facing Denial and Fostering Support, Editorial, by Carlos Sundermann-Villavicencio

Texas Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities 1996-97 Recognition Program, by Dorothy L. Knight

Dr. Robledo Montecel Honored by “Hispanic Business” Magazine and “La Prensa” Newspaper

Dr. Green Honored by Tex-TESOL

Immigrant Students’ Rights to Attend Public Schools

October 1997 IDRA Newsletter


Coca-Cola Valued Youth Program: “Because All Children Are Valuable,” by Linda Cantu, MA

IDRA Technical Assistance Available on Using Technology Effectively

Texas Dropout Alert: Where are the 147,000 Students Lost from the Freshman Class of 1993-94?, by Roy Johnson, M.A.

Everything I Need to Know About Leadership Development I Learned in San Felipe, by Blandina “Bambi” Cárdenas, Ph.D.

Facilities Renovation and Construction Opportunities and Challenges, by Albert Cortez, Ph.D.

Perspectives on “Leadership,” by Josie Danini Supik, Ph.D.

September 1997 IDRA Newsletter


Thinking about Learning: The Community and Academic Standards, by Oanh H. Maroney and Aurelio M. Montemayor, M.Ed.

Two Innovative El Paso Schools Bring Together Teachers and the Community, by Pam McCollum, Ph.D.

STAR Center Parent Involvement Activities, by Pam McCollum, Ph.D.

School Improvement, Parent Involvement and Prevention, by Dorothy L. Knight, MS and Joseph L. Vigil, MS

What It Means to be “Una Persona Educada,” Editorial, by Carmen Prieto, Cortez, Ph.D.

The Nurturing of Parent Leadership, by Aurelio M. Montemayor, M.Ed.  

Parents Speak Out: Quality Education for All Children, by Anna Alicia Romero

Dr. José Angel Cárdenas Receives University of Texas Distinguished Alumni Award

August 1997 IDRA Newsletter


Texas Legislature Considers Much for Education, Accomplishes Little, A. Cortez and AA Romero

Sexual Harassment Policies and Schools, by María Aurora Yánez-Pérez, M.A.

Hispanic Dropouts: Addressing the Leak in the Pipeline to Higher Education, by María Robledo Montecel, Ph.D.

Equal Access: Mask of Discrimination, Editorial, by Oscar M. Cárdenas

Policies Affecting Bilingual Education and ESL Programs, by Elisa de León Gutiérrez

Private School Vouchers Debated

June- July 1997 IDRA Newsletter


Principal of National Blue Ribbon School Says High Poverty Schools Can Excel, Interview

High Poverty, High Performing: High Hope!, by Hilaria Bauer, MA

Low Income Does Not Cause Low School Achievement: Creating a Sense of Family and Respect in the School Environment, by Anita Tijerina Revilla, MA, and Yvette De La Garza Sweeney

Whatever It Takes! Editorial, by Joseph F. Johnson, Jr., Ph.D.

May 1997 IDRA Newsletter


Cruising the Web with English Language Learners, by Laura Chris Green, Ph.D.

Using the Internet for Policy Information

Schools in the Information Society: Make Children Central, by Felix Montes, Ph.D.

China and the New Technology, by José A. Cárdenas, Ph.D.

A Checklist for Successful Distance Learning, C.A. Cavazos

Technology in Education: Time to Face the Monster, Editorial, by Josue M. Gonzalez, Ph.D.

New Book Highlights School Finance Reform

April 1997 IDRA Newsletter


Would You Read Me a Story?: In Search of Reading Strategies that Work for the Early Childhood Classroom, by Hilaria Bauer, MA

Los Regalos Del Cuento: Accelerating Biliteracy with FLAIR, by Juanita C. García, MA

Questions and Examples for Technology in Schools, by Joseph L. Vigil, MS

Ethical and Other Considerations on Theory and Practice in Bilingual Student Teaching Seminars, Editorial, by Olga G. Rubio, Ph.D.

Growing Interest in Dual Language Programs

School Finance Equity and Property Tax Changes

March 1997 IDRA Newsletter


A Successful Coordination of Funds and Programs Approach: Four Dimensions of the School Restructuring Process, by Abelardo Villarreal, Ph.D. and Oanh H. Maroney

Property Tax Relief, Tax Equity and Funding Equalization, by Albert Cortez, Ph.D.

Equal Access to Quality School Facilities, by Roy Johnson, MA

Redesigning Federal Programs to Strengthen Schools’ Effectiveness, Editorial, by Dr. Gerald N. Tirozzi

Coordinating Resources for Improved Achievement, by Joseph F. Johnson, Jr. Ph.D

School Finance Reform and Intra-District Equity: An Excerpt, by José A. Cárdenas, Ed.D.

Analysis of Educational Equity: Community Seeks Direction for Diversity, by María Robledo Montecel, Ph.D.

Declaration: Children First

February 1997 IDRA Newsletter


A Measuring Stick for Standards and TEKS: Meeting the Needs of Second Language Learners, by Laura Chris Green, Ph.D. and Adela Solis, Ph.D.

Criteria for Diversity: THECB’s Advisory Committee Suggests New Criteria, by Albert Cortez, Ph.D.

Equity and Excellence: Current Issues in the 75th Texas Legislative Session, by Albert Cortez, Ph.D. and Anna Alicia Romero

The Analogy of the Amoeba, Editorial, by José A. Cárdenas, Ph.D.

Community Leadership for Standards-Based Reform

January 1997 IDRA Newsletter


Schoolwide Projects: A Challenge for Administrators on Campuses with LEP Students, by Abelardo Villarreal, Ph.D.

A Different Kind of Will: Educational Equity and the School Reform Movement, by Bradley Scott, MA

IDRA’s Project FLAIR: Professional Development Model Addresses Literacy Development from a Schoolwide Perspective, by Rogelio López del Bosque, Ed.D.

The Whole School, the Whole Child, Editorial, by Elfida Gutierrez

Dr. Arturo Madrid Receives Prestigious NEH Award
