In the wake of a tragic school shooting, some policymakers and pundits quickly propose strategies that actually do not make schools safer. Such ideas include increasing the presence of school police, bringing more weapons into classrooms and “hardening” schools to the point that they feel more like prisons than learning environments. They may make communities feel like something productive is being done, but in reality, such tactics do not work and sometimes do the opposite.
We urge everyone to remember what school safety truly looks like and take meaningful steps to address gun violence across the country, ensure children and teachers have the resources and support they need in their schools and invest in strong, relationship-centered learning environments.
IDRA’s resources below focus on what it takes to build these environments, including after devastating violence.
Supporting Students in the Wake of Violence – IDRA EAC-South Convening Panels in Broward County, Florida
- Communities Helping Communities – Resources and Models for Community and Student Support, featuring school leaders from the Parkland and Charlottesville communities (2 videos)
- Impact of Social Climate on Students in Schools, featuring the superintendent of an El Paso school district (1 video)
IDRA’s Impact of Mass Shootings on Schools Classnotes Podcast Episode after El Paso, Parkland and Charlottesville
Federal School Safety Commission Recommendations Could Lead to Less Safe Schools
Principles for School Safety, Privacy and Equity
Policing in Schools and School Safety – Resources to assist school districts that choose to invest in strategies that create safe and supportive schools for all students and move away from school policing and other harmful approaches
Support Families in Uvalde, Texas
Robb School Memorial Fund: In partnership with the Uvalde CISD, First State Bank of Uvalde has created the Robb School Memorial Fund to assist the families and community affected by this tragedy. There are multiple ways you can give to support this local fund.
Uvalde Strong Fund: Uvalde Strong is a relief fund for victims, their families, and others affected by the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School on May 24, 2022. The Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charitable organization supporting the local area, including Uvalde. We are collaborating with the District Attorney of Uvalde and the San Antonio Area Foundation to create a support system for affected families as well as nonprofits supporting Uvalde now and in the coming days and months. An Advisory Committee – chaired the Community Foundation CEO, the Uvalde District Attorney, and the CEO of the San Antonio Area Foundation – will direct grants.
Go Fund Me: Texas Elementary School Shooting Relief: The GoFundMe community is coming together to support all those affected. Our Trust & Safety team will continue to update this hub with more fundraisers as they are verified. Donate to verified Texas elementary school shooting fundraisers below to offer your help.